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goal     $1,000.00

raised  $464.00


The entire planning and organizational phases of the project were carefully orchestrated and delegated among the six members of our team.

The marketing campaign we implemented was the most challenging to complete and carry out, mainly due to inconsistencies with flyer production companies and the difficulty in arranging our extremely busy schedules around one another.  We were able to adjust our plan as needed and prevented certain risks from occurring through careful risk and stakeholder analyses.

We were fortunate enough to have a large asset at our disposal; the entire project was financed and sponsored by the Alpha Tau Omega fraternity.  This allowed us to directly market towards the Greek community and generate a massive amount of manpower for the actual event.

The event itself was not a financial success.  The project did however provide each of our team members with valuable leadership and management experience.  As a team, we had the opportunity to recognize the crucial requirements and challenges that accompany any substantial project. Though we did not raise our desired fundraising goal, each team that participated in the tournament had a great time and offered us support and encouragement to host the event again.


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